Saturday, November 27, 2010

epy bsday sygg

zeera syg + ieda syg
epy bsday yaw !
may god bless u always !
about nk smbut bsday korang
slasa nie x sure la aq
bole pegi ka x....
if not sory k...
btw have a nice day !

back !

sory blog..
da lama i xchit chat
ngn u..
lately i jrang on9..
lpas nie pon sama..
tah la knpa rasa cm
malas + bosan ja
nk on9..
lebih snang tnpa internet + fon..
u know what..
da 2 mingu i xguna fon..
to all my frens sory ya
i x reply msj or comment at fb..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

kajang @ putajaya

* brtolak koy 6.00 a.m
* smpai koy 12...
* jmpa afifh then dya
bwk g cek in
* rest jup then g putrajaya
for reahersal
* balik biklik dlm koy 9
* xpegi mna coz abah n ma
letih sgt..
* lepas rndu kt si pangeran dgn
dgaq suara dya..
* tido coz letih n prepared
for tomorrow kna cek out awl koy
6.30 a.m coz along kna gathered kt picc
sblom koy 7..
* majlis star koy 9 pg until 1.15..
* pnat gila tgguw..
* abeh uh snap2 pic..
* pic x smpat upload..
* bertolak balik koy 4.45..
* and slamat smpai umah jam 11..
* resultnya,,pnteng skola saqi kes
baju xbsuh..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

aduihh !

seresly trgoda gila dgaq
dya imam smbhyg tdy..
adush !
seb bek la iman kuat the...
bole la nk share2 noh...
tpy aq still dhulukan monkey
hg don't worry la....hehehe

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

miss u damn like hell

sumpah b
i rndu gila kronik kt u..
xtw npa i slalu ingat u..
maybe coz kita
xmce kot..
da la nk jmpa kt skola
pon payah..
seresly i rndu gila
kt u b...
i xnk lost cntact ngn u..
i still syg u..
i nk ngn u lg...
i'm hoping that u'll
call me..
2 pon klau u still
ingat nom
i la...

credit to : si monyet yg
curi hati saya kuat2..

Friday, October 8, 2010


thnks bwa ktorg
p jln2 kt QB...
best sgt...
dpat jga nk p
shooping penang..
da la byk duet
ma n abah hbeh blnja ktorg
da uh pnat drive plak..
tq so much ma abah..
ilysm ~

Thursday, October 7, 2010

tidakkk !!

oh god..
bertmbah rndu aq
kt dya lpas nie..
aq da xleh msj dya
pas nie..huuuaaaaaa !
eii bodo la org yg
curi nset dya nie..
babi la..
aq just bole tgk ja dya
pas nie..
da xleh msj dya...
aghhh rndu gila tqok
kt u b...

to org yg curi nset bby
aq uh..cpt2 la
sdaq n pg pulangkan
blik nset dya...
aq bole gila tnpa dya..
*frust hbeh nie